优课联盟 实境英语 Test for Unit 8

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优课联盟 实境英语 Test for Unit 8

#优课联盟 实境英语 Test for Unit 8| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Test for Unit 8

一、单选题 (共 40.00 分) 1. Choose the –s ending that does not have the same sound as the others. A. dogs B. cats

C. bees D. flowers 满分:10.00 分

得分:10.00 分

你的答案: B 正确答案: B 答案解析: 无答案解析 教师评语: 暂无 2. Choose the –s ending that does not have the same sound as the others. A. he’s B. she’s C. it’s D. there’s 满分:10.00 分

得分:10.00 分

你的答案: C 正确答案: C 答案解析: 无答案解析 教师评语: 暂无 3. Which is not a celebration activity on Christmas Day?

A. Embark on a big sale.

B. Decorate the neighborhood.

C. Carry on charitable projects for wanderers.

满分:10.00 分

得分:10.00 分

你的答案: A 正确答案: A 教师评语: 暂无 4. Different from what you should do in China, when you are invited to others’ home, you should .

A. Arrive on time.

B. Arrive a little earlier.

C. Arrive a little later.

满分:10.00 分

得分:0 分

你的答案: A 正确答案: C 教师评语: 暂无 二、多选题 (共 20.00 分) 1. Suppose today is your friend Leo’s birthday, what could you say to him? A. Happy birthday! B. Wishing you a happy birthday! C. Congratulations on your birthday! 满分:10.00 分

得分:0 分

你的答案: A B C 正确答案: A B 答案解析: 无 教师评语: 暂无 2. Suppose your brother is going to take an exam, what could you say to him? A. Best wishes for your exams. B. Hope you do well in your exams. C. Good luck with your exams etc. 满分:10.00 分

得分:10.00 分

你的答案: A B C 正确答案: A B C 答案解析: 无 教师评语: 暂无 三、判断题 (共 40.00 分) 1. unit8-1-2.mp3

Listen the audio about Saint Patrick’s Day and decide whether the following statement is True or False.

Irish people celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day because he drove all the snakes out of the country.

A. 正确 B. 错误 满分:10.00 分

得分:0 分

你的答案: A 正确答案: B 教师评语: 暂无 2. unit8-1-1.mp3

Listen the audio about Saint Patrick’s Day and decide whether the following statement is True or False.

The river and building in Chicago will be colored green on Saint Patrick’s Day.

A. 正确 B. 错误 满分:10.00 分

得分:0 分

你的答案: B 正确答案: A 教师评语: 暂无 3. unit8-1-1.mp3

Listen the audio about Saint Patrick’s Day and decide whether the following statement is True or False.

The Dublin parade on Saint Patrick’s Day is the largest in terms of duration and number of visitors.

A. 正确 B. 错误 满分:10.00 分

得分:10.00 分

你的答案: B 正确答案: B 答案解析: The New York parade is the largest, with two million spectators. 教师评语: 暂无 4. unit8-1-2.mp3

Listen the audio about Saint Patrick’s Day and decide whether the following statement is True or False.

Saint Patrick was a Irish and considered as a symbol of Irish culture.

A. 正确 B. 错误 满分:10.00 分

得分:10.00 分

你的答案: B 正确答案: B 答案解析: There is no certain proof about the birthplace of Saint Patrick. 教师评语: 暂无




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